School organisation and place planning

Find out about school place planning and have your say in school consultations


School Organisation and Place Planning Service

Our School Organisation and Planning Service is responsible for ensuring there are sufficient school places in Essex and that these are appropriate for the ages of the children that need them.

The service:

  • provides advice on the provision of school places
  • produces the annual commissioning school places document
  • provides annual forecasts of pupil numbers to schools
  • undertakes consultations and publishes statutory public notices on adding or removing schools
  • works with planning authorities on proposed new housing developments, and negotiate with developers in line with the adopted developer contribution guidelines to meet the cost of providing additional school places
  • liaises with the Diocesan authorities and other relevant bodies
  • works with the Capital programme and building development service on developing, establishing and financing new and existing schools

Plans and guidance

The 10 year plan for Essex school places 2025 to 2034 (PDF, 2.12 MB) outlines our proposal to deliver more school places in Essex until 2034. The plan is updated every year.

Our Local and Neighbourhood Planners’ Guide to School Organisation (PDF, 1.44 MB) explains how we will help develop local and neighbourhood plans to ensure there are sufficient school places from new developments.

Our Garden Communities and Planning School Places Guide (PDF, 503.16KB) sets out our approach to delivering new schools and ensuring there are sufficient pupil places to serve large new settlements that are planned for the county.

Contact the School Organisation and Place Planning Service