Equipment and adaptations

Find technology, equipment and adaptations that can help people with care needs stay independent at home

Get help paying for equipment and adaptations

You might be able get help paying for equipment and adaptations.

Contact Adult Social Care to discuss your care and support needs. The discussion may result in:

  • advice and information
  • an assessment to see if you could benefit from low level equipment 
  • a referral for equipment and adaptations
  • a referral for an occupational therapy assessment

Equipment and minor adaptations

These are everyday items or minor changes made to your home. This includes care technology, such as a wearable alarm.

Equipment and minor adaptations could help you to stay living at home independently and reduce the need to go to hospital or a care home. 

If we agree that you need equipment or minor adaptations, we will arrange for you to receive these free of charge.

Essex County Council does not provide mobility aids. This includes wheelchairs, scooters and walking sticks. Visit the NHS website to find out how to get mobility aids.

Major adaptations

These are significant changes to your home, which normally cost more than £1,000 (one thousand pounds).

You will need an occupational therapy assessment to see if you qualify for help to pay for major adaptations to your home. The assessment will look at your circumstances and what sort of adaptations are suitable to meet your needs. The occupational therapist will make any recommendations to your local council.

Your local council will contact you to explain to you what you need to do to get the adaptations done. This might include applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant

Depending on your financial situation you may need to contribute towards the cost of major adaptations.