Welcome to our Extraordinary Essex

Text says Extraordinary Essex it's people that make us

Essex is an extraordinary county for many reasons. We’re proud to serve the people and communities that live, work and study here. They are what make our county truly unique. 

Over the past three years, we've achieved many successes. In the coming months we'll demonstrate the real impact we've had on residents and communities through the commitments outlined in Everyone’s Essex – our plan for improving the county.​

We'll shine a spotlight on the breadth of work we do including the lesser-known areas that make a real difference to people's lives every day. 

Stay up to date on what’s happening across Essex

The Your Essex e-newsletter provides a snapshot of news, events and activities from across the county on a monthly basis. The newsletter includes the latest updates on the economy, health, families and children, the environment and much more. Sign up to Your Essex today.