£1.05m to engage Essex residents on travel choices

A general shot of a split pedestrian and cycle path

We have received £1,076,397 to engage residents on sustainable transport choices.

Funding comes from Active Travel England’s Capability and Ambition Fund.

It will help us work with communities, engage schools and collect data and evidence. 

The funding will help extend existing projects such as:

  • Performance in Education, an interactive show from a theatre group about air quality and emissions
  • to engage with residents on our new cycling strategy
  • collecting data on young people’s travel preferences to better inform the design of Essex’s future network

We want to make it as easy, safe and fun as possible for people in Essex to travel more sustainably. This means travelling by walking, cycling, e-scooting or taking the bus or train, especially for shorter journeys.

Find out more about our Safer, Greener, Healthier campaign.

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