Support for foster carers

Essex County Council offer foster carers support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Plus, our foster carers are part of a community and supporting each other. 

Join an Oasis network  

An Oasis network brings new and more experienced foster carers together. They are an opportunity to get advice and support, plus help with: 

  • building stronger relationships with social workers  
  • growing your confidence 
  • reducing carer isolation 

Each quadrant in Essex has an Oasis network, to make sure foster carers are local to each other. 

“I’ve been fostering for many years; I can honestly say the past year and being part of Oasis has been fantastic.”

Speak to Essex Foster Care Association (EFCA) 

EFCA is an independent charitable trust, run by experienced local authority foster carers. Every quadrant has a dedicated EFCA lead, available to answer questions. These could include: 

  • general concerns  
  • logging expenses and claims  
  • fundraising activities 

Contact Amanda Stevens to get the contact details for your quadrant lead.  

Support for Sons and Daughters

We understand fostering affects your whole family, including any children already at home. Support is available to help young people understand their role in a foster family.

This includes social events, including outdoor summer picnics and Christmas parties. Every year, our team run the "It's My Life" festival. This brings together young people who have any experience with the care system.

Attend a local support group  

Every month, there are face to face support sessions held in community venues. These sessions include; support for sons and daughters, carers for children with disabilities and male foster carers.  

Once you're an approved foster carer, we will email you a list of local support groups coming up every month.  

Become a foster carer ambassador  

We listen to our foster carers and value their input. Our carers work with us to inform our strategy in Essex and improve the wider service.  They have come up with some very creative ideas. 

Our ambassadors often lead community events, and support us during campaigns. Please do speak to your supervising social worker if you would like to become an ambassador. 

Speak to The Fostering Network  

All Essex foster carers have a paid-for membership to the The Fostering Network. A helpline is available to members on 020 7401 9582 from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday. 

Their support is completely independent from Essex County Council.

You can email them at or write to 87 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8HA. 

Legal helpline 

A 24-hour legal helpline is available, for expert advice and help with any legal queries. Call 01384 885 734 and ask for the legal helpline. 

Stress support service 

Also, members can access a confidential stress support helpline. Call 01384 885 734 and ask for the stress helpline.

Find out more about fostering with Essex

Our foster carers are part of a community. Find out the benefits of fostering with Essex County Council.