Supported Lodgings

Supported Lodgings providers offer a stable home and mentorship to young people, typically aged 16 to 18 years old.

You work together to provide, emotional support and practical advice, including:

  • learning to cook healthy meals
  • managing finances and opening a bank account
  • applying for jobs and/or education opportunities

How much do Supported Lodgings providers earn

You will be paid £315 per week to be a Supported Lodgings provider. You can continue working in another role, flexibly too. Young people in your care will receive their own personal allowance too.

Plus, Essex County Council will give new carers a £2000 welcome bonus.

Who do Supported Lodgings providers help?

Every young person has a different background, and has specific needs. You will be carefully matched together, based on your home, skills and lifestyle.

Young people may need a place to live for reasons including:

  • they are leaving foster care but aren't ready to live on their own 
  • their family situation has changed 
  • they have learning difficulties (so may find it difficult to live on their own) 
  • they are unaccompanied asylum seekers (aged 16 - 17) 

Hear from Callum, who was helped by a Supported Lodgings provider.

"At 16, I was struggling with family life at home. I moved into Supported Lodgings where I was able to settle, get a job and learn boundaries. 

Now I’m 21 I’m in my own place and thinking about my next steps. Supported Lodgings helped me to get out of a bad situation and I think it’s changed my life for the better. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.

Can I be a Supported Lodgings provider?

Supported Lodgings can fit around your job and lifestyle. You can continue working in another role, flexibly too. You do not need any qualifications to start either. Essex County Council offer Supported Lodgings providers on the job training. This is a bespoke training plan with award-winning courses.

To offer Supported Lodgings, you need to:

  • have a spare bedroom in your home
  • provide a safe and stable home environment
  • be able to emotionally support and encourage young people

Find out more information about Supported Lodgings.

Change a child’s life by becoming a foster carer

Our enquiry team can discuss ways fostering can fit in with your own career and family. Call or email us today to learn more.

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