Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) application public notices

View public notices of planning applications accompanied by an environmental statement

Public Notices of Planning Applications accompanied by an Environmental Statement (Environmental Impact Regulations 2017).

Site Name Application Number Proposal Public Notice Date
Bulls Lodge Quarry - Park Farm, Brick Farm and Boreham Airfield (PDF, 113.64 KB), Generals Lane, Boreham, Chelmsford, CM3 3HR ESS/147/20/CHL and ESS/148/20/CHL Continuation of development permitted by ESS/36/13/CHL and CHL/1019/87  18 July 2024
Land to the south of Archers Fields Close (PDF, 96.21 KB), Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, SS13 1DN  ESS/120/20/BAS  Development of an Energy Recovery Facility, ancillary office block and associated infrastructure  11 July 2024
Lufkin Farms (PDF, 107.74 KB), Great Bentley Road, Frating, CO7 7HN ESS/101/21/TEN  Construction of an agricultural reservoir involving the extraction and exportation of sand and gravel; and the erection and use of an on-site processing plant with ancillary facilities. Together with the use of the access, on Great Bentley Road, currently only permitted for a temporary period as part of planning application ref: ESS/40/15/TEN and changes to the timescale of the proposed phasing and restoration of the existing reservoir  12 April 2024
Land at Martells Quarry (PDF, 102.92 KB), Slough Lane, Ardleigh, Essex, CO7 7RU ESS/29/20/TEN Proposed western extension to Martells Quarry for the extraction, processing, sale and distribution of silica sand and gravel, and subsequent restoration using inert materials along with the creation of a new access 9 February 2024
Land at Colemans Farm Quarry (PDF, 99.91 KB), Little Braxted Lane, Rivenhall End, Witham, CM8 3EX ESS/98/21/BTE Continuation of mineral extraction without compliance with: Conditions 4 (Approved Details); 11 (Plant Site Layout) and 55 (Restoration and Landscaping) and the Ecological Management Plan under the attendant Section 106 Agreement of Planning permission ESS/40/18/BTE that itself was a Variation of Condition permission that enabled increases in both annual throughput and HGV activity to now allow for re-phasing of the working and restoration; changes to the approved restoration concepts and management plans; and the establishment of an inert materials recycling facility, in advance of the A12 road widening infrastructural project 8 February 2024
Land at Colemans Farm Quarry (PDF, 99.91 KB), Little Braxted Lane, Rivenhall End, Witham, CM8 3EX ESS/51/21/BTE For the continuation of mineral extraction and ancillary use without compliance (for a temporary period ceasing upon the working and restoration of the western extension) with conditions 12 (HGV movements), 25 (mineral handling), 27 (restoration materials importation), and 35b (restrictions on permitted development rights) of planning consent ESS/40/18/BTE that was an earlier variation of conditions under planning consent ESS/10/18/BTE to now enable the importation of as raised sand and gravel from a proposed western extension to the site; the importation of inert materials (for use in the restoration of the proposed western extension); the inclusion of additional water lagoons on site; and a temporary increase in HGV movements to enable accelerated progression of proposed western extension restoration scheme to return the land to formation level in advance of the a12 road widening and improvement national infrastructure project 8 February 2024
Land at Colemans Farm Quarry (PDF, 99.91 KB), Little Braxted Lane, Rivenhall End, Witham, CM8 3EX ESS/36/21/BTE Proposed western extension to the current site using existing approved facilities (site access, plant site, mineral processing plant and other ancillary facilities); including for the diversion of the Burghey Brook; with restoration to arable land using imported inert restoration materials, and on-site materials in advance of the A12 road widening and improvement national infrastructure project
8 February 2024
Land At Archers Fields (PDF, 123.76KB), Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DH ESS/113/22/BAS Redevelopment and consolidation of an existing Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) 8 February 2024