Going to college or university

Find out how we can help you get set up at college or university

Going to college or university can give you more options for different jobs. It's also a good place to make friends and develop your confidence.

Deciding where to study

It can be good to attend an open day at the college or university before applying there. At these you can get a feel for the courses available and what it would be like to study there.

We can attend open days with you if you want us to. 

Preparing to start a course

We can help you with the process of planning to go and study. We also support you while you begin studying, for the length of time agreed in your pathway plan.

We can set you up with weekly drop-ins from the Targeted Youth Adviser, who can help with education.

With your permission, we can come to celebrate your graduation with you too.

Money while you study

Find out about student finance.

Studying when you are over 21 years old

Everyone's timeline is different. If you decide to return to study between the ages of 21 and 25, a personal adviser will be available to help you.