Support for care leavers

The Essex Local Offer for Care Leavers.

Everything you need to know about the support we have in Essex for care leavers. We will make sure you feel confident and ready for the next steps in your life. 


Finding somewhere to live

Explore different housing options for care leavers.

Finding somewhere to live

Looking after your health

Support for your mental and physical health.

Looking after your health

Managing your money

Help available to manage money, including rent, bills, tax and student finance.

Managing your money

Studying and finding work for care leavers

Support available to achieve your goals, including studying, apprenticeships and jobs.

Studying and finding work for care leavers

Getting involved in your local community

Meet people in your local area, including other care leavers.

Getting involved in your local community

Who to speak to for help and advice

Who can help you and how to contact them, including support to access your records.

Who to speak to for help and advice

Separated migrant young people

Support with visas and immigration status.

Separated migrant young people

Care leavers who are parents

Support for parents including healthcare and the costs of having children.

Care leavers who are parents

Contact with the youth justice service

Get supportive, non-judgemental support through contact with the youth justice service.

Contact with youth justice

Give feedback on your support

How to give feedback on the support you receive as a care leaver and get involved in decisions that affect you.

Give feedback on your support