What you can access as a young separated migrant young person

Find out what support you can receive depending on your age and status

If you are from outside the UK and separated from your parents or carer, there is support available for you. Help available is different depending on your age.

When you're under 18

When you are under 18, you'll have access to the same support as any other child in care in Essex.

When you're 18 and over

When are 18 years old your level of care and support depends on your immigration status.

How we plan for your future

We will plan with you for three possible outcomes. This means:

  • helping you plan for a future in the UK if you receive some form of leave to remain
  • supporting you while you wait for a decision
  • helping you make a backup plan if you do not receive leave to remain in the UK and have tried all appeals


Organisations who can help separated migrant young people

There are many organisations who can offer you help no matter what your status, such as:

Refugee council

Red Cross

Young Roots

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants