Giving feedback on your support

Find out how to give feedback on the support you receive as a care leaver

You have a right to get involved in all decisions about your plans for leaving care.

You have a right to have your say if you are not happy about something. We will listen to you, and tell you what you can do.

Tell someone who works with you, such as your:

  • social worker, personal adviser or their team manager
  • foster carer or supervising social worker
  • teacher or someone at school
  • residential care worker

If you feel you can't talk to someone who works with you, please contact:

Children in Care Council

The Children in Care Council brings care leavers together to get your views.

Have your say on the CiCC website

Independent advocates

If you want to challenge decisions about your support, you have a right to help from an independent advocate.

Independent advocates can inform you about your rights and help you to be heard.

You can access advocacy through the VoiceAbility website or call them on 0300 303 1660.