Christine and Cody’s story

Cody’s foster mum Christine Cotter spoke about when Cody first came to her home

For anyone thinking of becoming a foster carer, just absolutely do it. It’s tough but the training is amazing, I was like a sponge!

Cody was a very shy, timid young man himself, just 13. He’s just blossomed and I’m really proud of him, he’s worked really hard and has been growing in confidence and self-esteem, doing exceptionally well at college too.

Cody wasn’t one to try things, his hobbies were always short lived. But cooking - he’s always loved food, and so do I!

We would cook together and I would tell him about all the top restaurants in London and chefs that I’ve worked with in my previous job at a food magazine. Cody has a real flair and a passion for cookery, especially patisserie, so when I asked Cody what he wanted to do and asked him what he loves, we both suggested Chef.

I’ve been fostering for 11 years now and I remember looking back on my first year with Cody, I didn’t know if I was making a difference but now I can really see it, he’s wildly different. I’m just so proud of him, he’s an absolutely lovely boy.

For anyone thinking of becoming a foster carer, just absolutely do it. It’s tough but the training is amazing, I was like a sponge!

You really do feel like you’ve done some good, I’ve loved every single minute of it.

Read Cody's story