I’m actually making something of myself which I wouldn’t have done if I wasn’t fostered

Cody shares their experience of being fostered and how their foster carer helped to unlock their true potential.

When I was younger I used to watch Junior Bake Off, my foster mum Christine and I would cook dinner together and she has really encouraged me to get stuck in, to learn about different food cultures.

Now I’m 17, I’m studying Level 2 Hospitality at college and I would love to be a Head Chef one day. I’m saving up to open my own restaurant by the time I’m 30.

I was fostered at 13. 13-year-old me wouldn’t be doing anything, I would have just stayed in my room. But now I’m actually making something of myself which I wouldn’t have done if I stayed with my parents.

I’m making myself proud and I’m believing in myself, I can prove people wrong.