You don’t lose anything, but you gain so much

Tom shares their experience of being fostered and how their foster carer helped to unlock their true potential.

I would never have got to where I am now or have these aspirations if I hadn’t been fostered by Sue and Ray

I never knew what I wanted to do before coming in to care. I didn’t know what to think of myself or what I was capable of.

I’ve now found a real passion for brain behaviour and anatomy, after university I’d like to do a PhD or Postgraduate Medical Degree.

When I first met Sue and Ray I was a bit frightened and angry. They were very positive, big personalities, and they wanted to support me. I see now that it was a good thing and I’ve had a huge amount of experiences in life, I’ve learned more about the world and cultural diversity.

My one message to other children in care would be this – you don’t lose anything, you don’t lose your birth family, but you gain so much.

I would never have got to where I am now or have these aspirations if I hadn’t been fostered by Sue and Ray, they have really helped me to form a judgement on what I want to do with my life. What I think about myself and my capabilities.

My foster family has formed me as a person more than anyone else in my life, and they’ve meant that I can actually have a future, something to look forward to.