Using a babysitter

Information and advice about hiring a babysitter

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Things to consider when choosing a babysitter

You should assess your own situation and choose the babysitter that is best for your family. However, there are some things you should consider when making your decision.


There are no legal regulations around babysitter suitability. However, it is not advisable to give babysitting responsibility to anyone who:

  • is under the age of sixteen
  • is not experienced with young children

If you do choose a babysitter under the age of 16 you will still hold full responsibility if anything happens to your child.

Experience and training

Babysitters are not required to register with Ofsted. There are no legal requirements for babysitters to complete training or qualifications. However, we encourage you to ask them about their experience of working with or caring for children. This is especially important when babysitting younger children or babies. Asking these questions may also help you to feel more confident in your choice of babysitter.

We suggest asking the babysitter if they:

  • have completed any relevant training or formal childcare qualifications
  • have the experience to meet your child’s Special Educational Needs or Disability needs
  • have undertaken a paediatric first aid course and know what to do in an emergency
  • have experience looking after children of a similar age to yours
  • know what activities will they undertake with your children


You may also wish to ask the potential babysitter to provide references. These could be from parents who have used them before or from a recent tutor or teacher.

For babysitters who also work as registered childminders, you could ask to view their latest Ofsted inspection.

Using an online babysitting service

Some online babysitters services make additional checks before promoting babysitters. This can offer further reassurance around the experience and suitability of each babysitter. We recommend looking out for services that offer:

  • DBS checks
  • verified ID
  • insurance
  • details of experience and qualifications
  • references or reviews for individual babysitters

Your child

It can also be a good idea to introduce the babysitter to your child and make sure they are happy with your choice.