Services List Help with childcare costs Find out about funded early education and childcare for 9mth olds to 4 year olds and other childcare schemes Find a childcare provider Choosing and finding a childcare provider Contact the Family Information Service How to contact the Family Information Service (FIS) Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service Access the service from family hubs and delivery sites across Essex Help your children learn and play Help develop your child’s communication skills with fun activities and learning at home Early years and childcare: advice for practitioners Information and advice for early years childcare providers in Essex, including how to get started Childcare sufficiency assessment Read our report about the availability and quality of childcare across Essex
Help with childcare costs Find out about funded early education and childcare for 9mth olds to 4 year olds and other childcare schemes
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service Access the service from family hubs and delivery sites across Essex
Help your children learn and play Help develop your child’s communication skills with fun activities and learning at home
Early years and childcare: advice for practitioners Information and advice for early years childcare providers in Essex, including how to get started
Childcare sufficiency assessment Read our report about the availability and quality of childcare across Essex