Organisations that provide support
Mind - The Mental Health Charity has local branches across Essex. They offer:
- talking therapy
- counselling
- crisis helplines
- advocacy
- employment and training schemes
- befriending services
NHS Choices has a mental health helpline page with a list of organisations you can call for immediate assistance
Information and advice
NHS Every Mind Matters has advice and tips to help you look after your mental health.
NHS Mental Health offers information and support to help with stress, anxiety, depression.
Healthwatch Essex offers information, advice and guidance on accessing health and wellbeing services in Essex.
Talk to someone
Samaritans offer support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide.
Rethink Mental Illness offers several support groups in Essex.
Childhood abuse
NAPAC (the National Association for People Abused in Childhood) offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse.
Alcohol and drugs
Futures in Mind helps people suffering from drugs or alcohol misuse and mental ill health. Find out more information about getting help with alcohol and drug problems.
Employment help
Employ-Ability helps people suffering from mental ill health to secure and retain employment in South and West Essex.