We are Essex County Council. We provide county-wide services for the people of Essex.
You can find out more about who does what in Essex, and what elected councillors do and how decisions are made.
The rules for decision-making are included in our constitution.
We publish the results of county elections.
Office holders
You can find out more about the senior officers, who work for the Council and implement the decisions councillors make.
Some of these senior staff also fulfil statutory responsibilities.
These include our Monitoring Officer, who is responsible for promoting good governance. Contact monitoring.officer@essex.gov.uk for more information.
Our Section 151 Officer has a duty to report any unlawful financial activity involving the Council.
Our Head of Paid Service is responsible for reporting on how our staff are organised and deployed.
The Lead officer for children's services is responsible for child protection and education services across the county.
The Scrutiny Officer is responsible for governance, democracy and involvement in local government. If you would like to know more you can contact democratic.services@essex.gov.uk
Our Data Protection Officer monitors our data protection obligations and provides advice data protection impact assessments. Contact monitoring.officer@essex.gov.uk to find out more.
Senior salaries
We publish our Corporate Leadership Team and Monitoring Officer's salaries (XLS, 12.16 KB).
You can see how our services are structured in our Organisation Chart (XLS, 194.84 KB).
We also publish the number of council positions with a salary greater than £50,000 (XLS,81.59 KB) and the number of positions in schools we are responsible for with salaries greater than £50,000 (XLS, 14.54 KB).
This information is correct as of July 2024.
Essex Partners
We work to build relationships with partners across Essex to provide better public services.
Essex Partners is led by the Leader of the Council and meets quarterly.
This includes the Essex Strategic Coordination Group and the Essex Assembly, which meets twice a year.