Accessing care records

What care records you can access, what they include and support you can get during this process

Accessing your records can be a life changing process which can help you achieve a better sense of who you are. It can help you build or re-establish contact with family members and provide answers to important questions. 

When you make the decision to access your records, we want to make sure that you have all the support your need.  Although it can be helpful to understand your journey, your records may bring up some difficult memories and feelings. 

The process may also leave you with unanswered questions or feelings of anger or confusion. It might be a good idea to gain the support of a trusted person during this time.  

What your care records include 

For young people who have been in care, the records may include things like: 

  • case notes, such as those written by social care workers, or those who have cared for you.  
  • official notes, such as 6 month reviews and Pathway Plans 
  • important documents or letters between schools, social workers, therapists or parents 

Other people’s information must remain confidential. This means names of those you were in care with, or names of family may be blanked out, this is called ‘redaction’.  

You may not want to access all the information contained in your records. You can take a flexible approach to accessing your records. For example, your life plans or pathway plans might have much of the information you want. Or, you may want to better understand the reasons you came into care and only want to see the first month of your records.  

Accessing your records may take some time and it might be that the more information you request the longer it takes to get this information to you.  

How to access your records 

If you are still working with the leaving and after care service, we encourage you to speak with your allocated worker who can support you through this process.  It can be helpful to have someone there to explain anything you need support understanding.  

If you are not currently involved with the Leaving and After Care service or are over the age of 25, you need to: 

  1. email the form, along with a copy of your ID to

If you would like to share that you are a care leaver, please state this in your email. 

How long it takes to access your records 

The information will be made available within a maximum of 3 months from you making your request to the Transparency Team.  Once your request has been received, someone will contact you to arrange for you to look through your file.  

Complaint process 

If you do not receive your records 3 months after making your request, email: