School transport

Find out if your child is eligible for home to school transport

Not eligible for school transport

If your child is not eligible for home to school transport, there are other ways to get to school.

Buy a place on a contracted service

If there's a spare seat available on a contracted vehicle serving your child’s school, you might be able to buy a place directly from the transport provider.

The transport provider sets the cost of travel. If you don't know who the transport provider is, contact your child’s school to find out.

We are not responsible spare seat arrangements. Private arrangements are between parents or guardians and transport providers and it's possible these could be withdrawn at short notice. We don't intervene in any situations where a spare seat is withdrawn.

Buy a ticket for local bus services

In Essex, you can buy a season ticket called ‘Scholars' ticket’ to use on some local bus services that we provide.

To check fares or purchase a ticket, please contact the transport provider.

We recommend buying the ticket a month before the school terms starts.

Public transport

Visit TravelEssex to plan journeys to school or college.

Travel training

Training is available for students with disabilities or special needs to be able to use public transport on their own.

Visit Essex Travel Training to find out more.

Cycle to school

Cycling to school keeps your children fit, gives them independence and teaches them about road safety.

Sustrans is a charity offering information and advice on cycling safety for children.

The Bikeability proficiency scheme helps children improve their cycling.

Walk to school

Walking to school can keep your children fit and healthy.

Walking buses

A walking bus is a group of children, organised by the school, who walk to their school with the help of volunteers. Speak to your child’s school for information.

Walk to school events

Schools can take part in 'Walk to school week’. Find out about these events from Living Streets.

Park and stride

Your child’s school may organise a ‘park and stride’ where you can park in a suitable location, such as a supermarket car park, and then walk the rest of the way with you.

This is good for keeping fit and will help reduce the amount of cars near the school gates.

Walk or cycle to school with Stop. Swap. GO!

Walking or cycling to school can help to keep your child healthy and protect the environment. Find out more about walking and cycling to school at Stop. Swap. GO!

Appeal a school transport decision

If you want to appeal a school transport decision, see pages 27 and 28 of our Education Transport Policy (PDF, 477.04 KB) to find out how to submit an appeal.