Your responsibility

Parents are legally responsible for making sure their child receives a suitable full-time education, usually from the age of 5 to 16. Most children and young people receive their education in school. Information on how to apply for a school place can be found on our Admissions pages.

For more information on parental responsibilities and alternative ways in which children may be educated, please refer to the Department for Education’s Guidance for parents on getting your child to school, and the GOV.UK School attendance and absence  guidance for parents. 

There may be reasons a child doesn’t want to go to school. Good school attendance starts with close and productive relationships between schools, parents, and pupils, so it's important schools and families work together.  If you have concerns about your child’s attendance you should contact the school early to seek their advice and support.  

For more information on who to contact, please refer to your school’s attendance policy, this should be available on the school's website, or you can ask the school for a copy.