Understanding school attendance and absence

How are schools required to record absence?

Schools must, by law, take a register at the start of each morning session and once during the afternoon session. Please refer to each school’s individual attendance policy for more details. This should be available on the school's website, or you can ask the school for a copy.

During each registration, schools must record whether each pupil is physically present in school or, if not, the reason they are not in school, and code it according to a national set of codes. These codes determine whether an absence has been authorised or unauthorised. See your school's attendance policy for further clarification. 

What should you do if your child can't attend school?

Each school will outline their specific expectations on reporting absence in their school’s attendance policy.  It is important parents consult this.

For any absences known in advance, such as medical appointments, schools and the local authority encourage parents to make appointments outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, parents should get the school’s agreement in advance, and the pupil should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment. 

For leave of absence (for example, term-time holidays) parents must request and complete, in advance, a leave of absence application form available directly from the school. Requests may or may not be authorised.

Note: schools, local authorities and all relevant partners are required to follow the Working together to improve school attendance - August 2024 statutory guidance. 

The Department for Education also have a  Guide for parents on school attendance which clearly outlines a parent’s responsibilities, including circumstances surrounding illness absence and medical evidence.