How decisions are made

Find out about decision making, council meetings, committees and our constitution


Decisions about the way we run our services are taken by the 75 councillors that you elect every 4 years. The next election is on Thursday 1 May 2025. These decisions are implemented by council staff.

The 75 councillors come from different political parties, and some have different roles in the decision making process. Some are part of the Cabinet, while others sit on committees.

Meetings and decisions

You can find all council meetings and supporting documents listed in our council meetings calendar and even watch the meetings on our ECC Democracy YouTube channel.

You can also find information about the decisions taken by councillors and how to get involved.

And keep up with the latest news from the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet on our blog.

Our constitution

The rules for making decisions are set out in our constitution. This includes a code of conduct that councillors agree to follow.