Next steps

Find out what happens now the consultation has closed.

Responses to the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan review 2025 to 2040 consultation are being processed and uploaded to our online consultation portal.

We are currently working through a backlog of responses. Your representation will still be acknowledged, published and taken into account.

Read all comments on the consultation

Visit the consultation portal to read all comments on this consultation that have been processed to date. Please note, there will likely be a delay in publication of responses submitted via letter and email. 

A number of representations were received by the Council outside of the consultation portal. In most cases, all these have been entered into the portal by the Council and will register as part of any search that you make. However, some representations could not be uploaded to the consultation system. This is due to technical information or images that the portal cannot display.

These representations have been replaced by a note. The note explains that this section, or the representation in its entirety, has not been uploaded.

This note will include a reference code and an email address. If you want to view this representation, send the code to the email address provided. There is no limit to the number of requests made in this manner. However, each individual request must be supported by a reference code. A full list of representations uploaded in this manner will be provided upon completion. There is no deadline associated for making such a request.

Read published comments on the Draft Plan

Read published comments on the Candidate Sites.

Information will be published in line with:

  • Freedom of Information Act
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Essex County Council Privacy Notice

Once all responses are uploaded

We will assess all the comments received and make amendments to the Plan and Site Assessments accordingly. We will also present a draft list of Preferred Sites alongside reports justifying the draft list and how your comments were taken into account.

The above will then undergo a further public consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

It is not currently possible to provide a precise date for this consultation as this will depend on the extent of the issues received and the nature of the amendments required. Following the publication of the new National Planning Policy Framework in December 2024, the Chief Planner requires all local planning authorities to produce an updated local development scheme within 12 weeks of the publication of the NPPF (by 6th March 2025). This will inform when the next consultation takes place. Following development of the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, this website will be updated accordingly.