Evidence base

Read the consultation documents and explore the evidence base for the Minerals Local Plan review


There are two main parts of this consultation you can comment on. They are the:

Comments will be accepted on the Candidate Site Assessment Report where they relate to general principles such as the methodology, yield and next steps. Site specific comments will only be accepted in relation to Site A83. Any comments on other sites will need to be linked to Site A83 in order to be able to be taken into account.

We encourage you to read the consultation documents and evidence base. This will help you to understand the proposed changes. Please note that all documents contained in the ‘Evidence Base’ are identical to those consulted on in February to April 2024. You can then submit your comments to the single site consultation

The following pages contain documents from our full evidence base. These documents provide further information to help inform your feedback.

If you need any of these documents in an accessible format, email the Planning Team at mandwpolicy@essex.gov.uk. This could include booking an appointment to view paper copies at County Hall.