Draft Replacement Minerals Local Plan

Read our draft replacement plan and learn more about what was consulted on

The Draft Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan (PDF, 3.26MB) was subjected to a Regulation 18 consultation that closed in July 2024.

The consultation was titled Essex Minerals Local Plan, 2025-2040 (Regulation 18 – Issues and Options) and took into account all comments received to earlier engagements. 

The draft plan contains:

  • a Spatial Strategy
  • Aims and Objectives
  • revised Plan policies and their supporting text

Minerals underpin our entire way of life in being able to create great places for people. Minerals provide the construction materials we need to build:

  • new homes
  • places of work
  • transport infrastructure
  • essential services such as health, education and recreational facilities

Minerals and aggregates are essential to many sectors, including:

  • energy generation
  • agriculture
  • manufacturing

We also have very important development and infrastructure projects to deliver in the next decade. 

However, minerals are a finite natural resource and can only be extracted from the ground where they are found. It is vital we only extract what is needed and make best use of them to secure their long-term availability and conservation.

What was consulting upon

The Minerals Local Plan 2014 provides planning policies for minerals development in Essex until 2029 and identifies future sites for mineral extraction. The emerging Minerals Local Plan 2025 will supersede the Minerals Local Plan 2014 upon adoption.

We consulted on the entire Plan and its evidence base, including revised Plan provision figures.

This Plan does not contain information on the newly submitted sites. Read the information about the Assessment of Candidate Sand & Gravel Sites.

Each policy within the emerging Plan and its associated text is supported by a general question, which asks if:

  • the policy and supporting text was supported or not
  • amendments should be proposed

The consultation was supported by a Consultation Response Guidance Note (PDF, 182.29KB) setting out matters of detail on which you can also comment.

Our evidence base supports the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan and Site Assessment work, providing justification for the approaches proposed.