Supporting Essex businesses’ journey to net zero

Woman sitting behind her cafe, working on her phone and smiling

Great Start is a free catalogue of educational videos to support businesses’ transition to net zero.

The new videos are available to businesses of all shape and sizes across Greater Essex. Available on YouTube, the ever-expanding series covers a range of content for supporting businesses on their transition to net zero. 

The content includes: 

  • developing a Sustainability Action Plan
  • measuring your organisation’s carbon footprint
  • establishing greener procurement practices 

With hundreds of views secured within the weeks of launching, the demand for this easy-to-digest content is clearly strong. 

We are now reviewing feedback and engagement to inform the new content, helping to keep the modules fresh and relevant.

Businesses that transition to net zero can save money by using their energy and resources more efficiently. They will also: 

  • improve their brand reputation
  • unlock new market opportunities
  • drive innovation
  • boost staff morale

To rewards viewers for their learning, they can receive a digital badge for each video module completed by scanning the QR code at the end of each video. Issued by OpenBadge, businesses can proudly display these on their digital platforms to demonstrate their sustainability commitments. 

View the full Great Start catalogue and start your journey towards a more sustainable future.

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