Robot pets bringing joy to residents in Essex

Two robot dogs wearing bandanas and two robot cats sat on a small table.

You may never have thought that robotic pets can have a therapeutic effect. However, a pilot being undertaken by our adult social care team in mid Essex is demonstrating that they can.

The pets are being used to support people with learning difficulties and those with dementia. 

The benefits of the pets include:

  • providing company and companionship
  • helping to reduce anxiety or agitation
  • creating a sense of purpose
  • increasing engagement through playing and talking
  • supporting good communication and person-centred practice

Families and staff have already noticed benefits and seen the positive impact that the robot pets are making. 

A large group of people gathered around inside an office, holding several robotic companion pets.

Essex resident Samantha’s late grandmother Doris formed a strong bond with her robotic cat, Rosie, before she passed away.

Samantha said: 

When the robot cat was suggested by the Dementia Intensive Support team, I was hesitant of how grandma would respond. But as soon as she met the cat, she named her Rosie and loved her. 

Rosie took grandma back to the days when she had her own cat. It ignited all of her loving memories of caring for a cat which allowed grandma to remember the feelings of love and contentment. 

Rosie calmed her down during times when she was experiencing sundowning and provided her with a focus. 

For us as a family it filled our hearts to see grandma's spark come back when she was talking about or to Rosie and we will be forever grateful for the comfort that Rosie gave her.

Alison Ansell, Director of Adult Social Care for Mid Essex at Essex County Council, said: 

The advantages of caring for an animal are well-researched and whilst our robot companion animals are less furry than their real-life counterparts, they bring many of the same benefits to their owners. 

Through this innovative pilot, our teams are looking to aid independence, provide comfort and help those they work with to regain a sense of purpose and joy from their new robot pet.

Using them to support our statutory interventions is an exciting opportunity and one that will bring real benefits to residents and their families.

The pets are part of our wider care technology offer.


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