Reporting issues to Essex Highways online now easier

A road worker in high-visibility clothing lays down some red asphalt on a piece of road next to an orange traffic cone.

Improvements have been made to Essex Highways' Tell Us tool. These will make reporting issues on the roads even easier. 

Alongside regular safety inspections, Essex Highways relies on residents to report issues. These reports are used to understand where urgent repairs are needed. Last year, Essex Highways received over 50,000 reports from the public.

The improvements made to tool include:

  • ability to report some urgent issues such as large potholes, fallen trees or flooded roads online
  • an option to tell us that a known issue has got worse
  • the ability to sign up to updates on an issue
  • defect photos so residents can decide if the issue they wish to report is existing or new

A successful trial of reporting urgent issues online took place between February and April. During the trial, 242 online enquiries were received. Of these, 58% required emergency action.

The number of emergency issues reported during the trial increased by 84%. The trial also saw a significant reduction in the average time taken to make issues safe. This saw response times reduced by more than half. 

Report a highways issue online or keep up to date on progress of repairs