Essex students find the joy in everyday maths thanks to theatre show

Rob Eastaway and Ben Sparks giving a fun maths lecture on stage

The interactive shows were run by Rob Eastaway, Director of Maths Inspiration and consultant for Essex Year of Numbers, and Ben Sparks, ‘Mathmagician’ and Musician. The talks linked maths to a variety of everyday situations, from games to government.

Essex Year of Numbers is a countywide campaign that aims to inspire a love of learning, with a focus on numeracy. It is a year of exciting learning opportunities, fun events and initiatives aimed at children aged 0 to 18-years-old. The events aim to give every child’s maths skills a magic boost.

The events were held at Saffron Walden Theatre, Chelmsford Theatre and Colchester Mercury Theatre, over the past year. These were aimed at 14 to 17-year-olds, with other in-school events delivered for a wider range of ages.

Our Essex Year of Numbers initiative part-funded show fees to ensure more pupils in Essex could benefit from the experience. Rob Eastaway, said:

Our show brings to life the diverse ways in which numbers connect us with the world we live in. It included game-playing strategies to the design of sports stadiums. We talk often about the everyday magic of maths as part of the Essex Year of Numbers, the theatre has been an ideal environment to showcase that concept.

Our most recent show in Colchester was themed around games. This highlighted the maths that’s needed to make smart decisions about chance and strategy. These are skills that are immediately transferable to many situations in adult life.”

Roy Blatchford, Essex Education Task Force Chair, said: “The aim of these Maths Inspiration shows is to demonstrate to pupils that there is more to maths than taking exams. The shows have been interactive, and presented by people who use numbers in diverse, exciting ways in their professional lives.”

To find out more about the Essex Year of Numbers, visit the Essex Year of Numbers website.