Temporary closure of Hatfield Peverel Library

Hatfield Peverel Library is temporarily closing from Saturday 9 September following recent guidance on RAAC from the Department for Education.

Cabinet Member for The Arts, Heritage and Culture, Councillor Mark Durham said:

“Following surveys over the summer and further guidance on RAAC by the Department for Education, we have made the decision to temporarily close Hatfield Peverel Library from Saturday 9 September.

“The library has known RAAC and already has mitigations in place. However, following a visit this week by our property team, we have made the decision to close the site as a precaution while further surveys are conducted, and potential additional mitigations added.

“At present and based on existing survey data, there is nothing to indicate that RAAC is present in any of our other 73 libraries. However, we are currently undertaking a review of all our properties and will act accordingly if any mitigation is required.

“We will look to reopen Hatfield Peverel Library as soon as possible. Updates will be posted on the Essex Library Service social media channels and signs will be placed at the front of the building.”

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