New boundaries are being proposed for Essex County Council divisions.
The Local Government Boundary Commission has launched a consultation on the proposals. This will run until Monday 19 February 2024.
The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. It is reviewing Essex to make sure councillors will represent about the same number of electors.
The Commission's proposals for Essex would see 78 single-member divisions.
Key points for the proposals include:
- retaining five councillors in Castle Point, to better reflect the communities in this borough
- bringing Loughton within two divisions rather than three
- ensuring that Clacton-on-Sea is covered by divisions focussed on the town.
Here is a map of the proposed new boundaries:

Residents can view an interactive map of the proposals.
Find out more and give your thoughts in the consultation.
People can also give their views by e-mail at reviews@lgbce.org.uk, and by post to: Review Officer (Essex), LGBCE, PO Box 133, Blyth, NE24 9FE.