Essex County Council has teamed up with the University of Essex to lead a research project about women’s safety at night.
Late last year the County Council conducted a countywide survey on women’s safety. The findings showed that women felt most unsafe at night with 47% of respondents stating this. The survey also found that 21% of women felt unsafe in pubs, clubs and bars at night with 45% of women avoiding certain nightlife or hospitality venues because they made them feel unsafe.
To look deeper into the reasons why women feel most unsafe at night, residents are being asked to share their views on night-time safety with a particular focus on anything related to businesses and services that run during the night such as pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants. While this research is focused around women’s safety, the survey is open to both men and women.
The online survey takes around 5-10 minutes to complete and responses will be used to inform future work of Essex County Council's Safety Advisory Group (SAG).
The SAG is commitment to making the county safer for women and supporting them in feeling safer too, this research project is one of the many initiatives launched by the Safety Advisory Group.
The survey is open until Sunday 18 December, residents can take part here.