Essex Year of Opportunity

Young man in a commercial kitchen setting, wearing chef whites. He's smiling and leaning forward to garnish a dish on the kitchen counter.

The campaign will help people, of all ages, find employment, education and training. Exciting projects and learning events will launch throughout the year.

Join us and make this year your year of opportunity. 

The Essex Year of Opportunity build on the successes of the Essex Year of Numbers and the Essex Year of Reading.

Start exploring career paths and gaining qualifications

No matter your background or experience, it's never too late to take the next step. The Essex Year of Opportunity is here to empower you with the knowledge and skills that employers are looking for. Connect with potential employers and discover learning opportunities that can help you succeed. 

Our goal is to help you develop essential skills, expand your horizons, and open up new job opportunities. 

Preparing all young people for adulthood

Everyone should have equal access to future employment and opportunities for independence. The campaign will help young people recognise the opportunities available to them. By providing learning and hands on experience, we can broaden horizons from a young age.

Following on from previous years

The Essex Year of Opportunity follows on from the Essex Year of Numbers, and the Essex Year of Reading too. All the campaigns continue to inspire a love of learning in Essex. Resources remain available for children, young people, parents and carers.