Content strategy

Our content strategy sets the foundation for our digital estate.

How we manage content (our proposition)

This proposition statement sets out what kinds of content we do publish and what we don’t. It is based on the GOV.UK proposition.

This proposition statement has been produced with our main website in mind. To be useful it needs to be detailed, and the detail means that it won’t be applicable for every site and service.

Having a clear content proposition is an important part of getting set up to manage content well and make effective decisions. Whenever a new site or instance of content is being created, the default position should be that this content proposition will apply. If it does not, then exceptions to this proposition should be discussed and documented. is for Essex residents who need information or a service to complete a task, Essex businesses who need to comply with their responsibilities, and anyone who wants to live in, visit, or do business in, Essex. 

What content goes on

We create content where there is a clear user need, backed up by evidence. The content should also meet one of the following criteria:

  • Council services
  • Information and guidance about Council services
  • Sector specific guidance
  • Policy and involving people
  • Responding to major events
  • Helping users follow the law
  • Support schemes
  • Business opportunities
  • Campaign activity and raising awareness

What content we should not publish on

We shouldn't publish content about the following:

  • Organisations independent from the council
  • Advertising or other activities for commercial purposes
  • General advice

Read the proposition in full