Essex Caring Communities Commission

In May 2024 the Leader of Essex County Council, Kevin Bentley, announced the Council’s intention to sponsor a Caring Communities Commission. The Commission is an independent group of experts and elected members looking at transforming outcomes across health and social care.

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Have your say

The Commission is keen to hear from anyone who can contribute to its work, including:

  • the general public
  • service users
  • frontline staff and practitioners
  • partners
  • volunteers
  • carers
  • academics, researchers, and other experts 

We want to know about your experience and hear your ideas about how public services could be improved or transformed to:

  • empower communities
  • improve outcomes
  • reduce demand

We are particularly interested in hearing about:

  • strengths and assets in our communities that we should recognise and support
  • what you think is currently working well in this area that we should sustain
  • opportunities for scaling up good programmes to achieve real impact
  • opportunities for doing things differently and transforming how we work with communities to achieve real impact
  • any relevant research and insight 

How you can contribute

You can contribute to the commission's work by:

The Commission’s interim report will provide a summary of the input we have received that has informed the report, but individuals will not be named.

The Commission will not be able to comment on or take a view on individual service or performance issues.