Essex Caring Communities Commission

In May 2024 the Leader of Essex County Council, Kevin Bentley, announced the Council’s intention to sponsor a Caring Communities Commission. The Commission is an independent group of experts and elected members looking at transforming outcomes across health and social care.


Public services are facing rising and unsustainable demand and cost pressures. This is especially true across health, social care and special educational needs.

Community-based approaches offer a way to transform public services and make them more sustainable. Communities that are more resilient and more empowered tend to have better health and wellbeing outcomes. This in return reduces demand on public services.

Essex has long been a leader in this area. In 2013 the Essex Who Will Care Commission made recommendations for transforming the way public services engage with and empower communities. Much has been done in the past ten years, but the challenges facing public services have increased shaped by:

  • demographics
  • rising inequalities
  • the impacts of Covid

These challenges need new ways of thinking and that is what the Caring Communities Commission is seeking to provide. It is an opportunity to step back, learn, engage, and listen. The Commission can then make recommendations that will have real benefit for the public. 

The Commission will run for 2 years. They will issue an initial report in March 2025.