What is anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour is unacceptable behaviour that causes harm to individuals, the community or the environment. This could be an action by someone else that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed or distressed. It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder or public nuisance.
Anti-social behaviour can include:
- threatening or rowdy behaviour
- vandalism and graffiti
- violence and disorder
- drug taking and dealing drugs
- fly-tipping and abandoning cars
- misuse of fireworks
Anti-social behaviour does not include:
- general living noise, including using washing machines and DIY during the day
- parking disputes
- people being inconsiderate or thoughtless
- babies crying/Children playing or arguing
- people talking at normal volume in their home or garden
- people smoking in their own home
- smells from cooking
- use of skateboards or bikes
We have a shared responsibility for dealing with anti-social behaviour, alongside other agencies. This includes Essex Police, local councils and social landlords.