What support will I get?

boy and girl playing with sand
The social workers kept in touch and we felt free to phone them. That was important."
- Themba L.

We have a thriving adoption community in Essex and across the Adopt East Alliance

Our events include:

  • coffee mornings
  • summer fun day and Christmas party
  • therapy groups and parenting programmes

We run a number of support groups including:

  • single adopters group
  • LGBTQ+ support group
  • black adopters support group
  • children with disabilities support group

To find out more, email adoption.training@essex.gov.uk

After-adoption support

We provide:

  • counselling, information and advice on a range of issues linked to adoption, such as anger, self-esteem, identity, behaviour and attachment issues
  • parenting support
  • help for children to understand how they came to be adopted, through art, talking and play 
  • support with keeping in touch between your adopted child and members of their birth family
  • consultation and mediation with other agencies, such as schools and doctors

To find out more, call 0333 013 9847 or email post.adoptionteam@essex.gov.uk


Throughout the process and after adoption, we have a range of training days and workshops available.

Our experienced social workers deliver high quality training. Adopters and prospective adopters benefit from adding to their knowledge, as well as meeting other adopters and people going through the process to adopt.

The training courses available include:

  • Theraplay
  • life story work
  • communicating and connecting
  • friends and family
  • the adopted child in school

To find out more, email adoption.training@essex.gov.uk

Education support

The following educational support is available:

More information and support

For more information and support, we recommend:

  • Adoption England is a national initiative that provides information, advice and support for people considering adoption and adoptive parents. 
  • First4Adoption is there to give you independent information about adoption. They also offer First Steps, a resource to help you get ready for adoptive parenting, and The Adoption Passport (PDF, 103KB), which outlines the support you and your child may be entitled to
  • the government's Adoption Support Fund (ASF) helps families access quality therapeutic services without delay
  • New Family Social is an organisation for LGBTQ+ adopters, who can have membership with New Family Social for the first three years
  • www.youcanadopt.co.uk has a wealth of information about adoption including informative podcasts