Support to make your business greener

Funded programmes and free resources for your net zero transition

Essex is on a mission to reach net zero by 2050. We need businesses to come on the journey with us.

By embracing greener practices, your business could:

  • save money by reducing waste and energy consumption
  • gain a competitive advantage and attract new customers
  • meet Corporate Responsibility (CR) requirements
  • attract and retain employees
  • meet Social Value requirements and secure new tenders

Great Start

Great Start helps businesses across all sectors to transition towards net zero.

The programme consists of free information videos. These are presented in bite-sized modules that you can dip in and out of.

After completing each module, you will receive a digital badge. This demonstrates your commitment towards net zero.

Digital badges can be displayed on your website or social media channels.

Check out the full Great Start playlist or watch select modules: