Whether it's something big that's happening now, or small acts that build up over a long time, it's still abuse.
Often, abuse is a criminal offence.
If you suspect you are someone you know is being neglected, abused or is in danger, report a concern about an adult.
Neglect and abuse can take different forms. Types include:
- discriminatory abuse, because of your age, gender, sexuality, disability, race or religion
- domestic violence, when someone is hurting or intimidating someone at home
- financial abuse, when someone is stealing from you
- modern slavery and trafficking, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude
- neglect and acts of omission, when you're not getting the care you need to feel safe and comfortable
- organisational abuse, which is neglect and poor professional practice within a care setting
- physical abuse, when someone is hurting you, like hitting or kicking you
- sexual abuse, when someone is forcing you to do things you do not want to do
- psychological and emotional abuse
- self-neglect, which can be a lack of care for personal hygiene, health or surroundings, including hoarding