Housing options and care homes

Includes Shared Lives scheme, sheltered living, supported housing, extra care housing, care homes, continuing healthcare and homelessness advice

Services List

Care homes

For people who can no longer live independently in their own home. Find information on choosing, finding and paying for a care home.

Sheltered housing

For older people, aged over 55, who want to live in their own homes but may need some help and support

Supported living

For people with disabilities who want to live independently but may need some help and support

Extra care housing

For people aged 55 or over who have a housing, care and support need and want to remain independent for as long a possible

Continuing healthcare

For people who have ongoing and complex healthcare needs. It's arranged and funded solely by the NHS

Essex Shared Lives scheme

For adults with further support needs who want to develop life skills by living with a host person or family