Legal services: legal basis tables

Legal services: legal basis for use of personal information

Personal information

Service Legal Obligation Public Tasks Contract Consent
Applications for commons/village greens Yes No No No
Children and Education Service Yes Yes Yes No
Corporate and Commercial Yes Yes Yes No
Definitive Map and Statement Yes No No No
Dispute Resolution Yes Yes Yes No
Employment Service Yes No Yes No
Financial Deputyship Yes No No Yes
Health and Adult Social Care Yes Yes Yes No
Health and Safety Yes Yes No No
Highways and Environment Yes Yes Yes No
Information Governance Yes Yes Yes No
Insurance, Risk and Claims Yes Yes Yes No
Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Yes Yes No No
Marketing No No Yes Yes
Practice Management No Yes Yes No
Property Service No No Yes No
Trading Standards Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transparency Team Yes No No No
Wills No No Yes No

Special category (sensitive) personal information

Service Subst-

antial Public Int-

Legal Claims Health and Social Care Social Security and Prot-

Archiving in the Public Interest Vital Int-

In the Public Domain Explicit Consent
Applications for commons/village greens No No No No No No No No
Children and Education Service Yes No Yes No No No No No
Corporate and Commercial Yes Yes No No No No No No
Definitive Map and Statement No No No No No No No No
Dispute Resolution Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Employment Service Yes No No Yes No No No No
Financial Deputyship No No No Yes No No No No
Health and Adult Social Care Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Health and Safety Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Highways and Environment Yes Yes No No No No No No
Information Governance Yes Yes No No No No No No
Insurance, Risk and Claims Yes Yes No No Yes No No No
Internal Audit and Counter Fraud No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Marketing No No No No No No No No
Practice Management Yes Yes No No No No No No
Property Service No No No No No No No No
Trading Standards Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Transparency Team Yes No No No No No No No
Wills No No No No No No No No