Looking after someone in your family can be rewarding, but it can also be difficult, and be especially hard for young people.
It may make things more difficult at school, mean you don't have time to go out with your friends, do homework, or do things you'd like to do.
There is help available for young carers. We can help suggest things that will make things easier for you, and help you continue to help your family.
What is a young carer?
You are a young carer if you're under 18 and you look after someone in your family who:
- is ill or disabled
- uses drugs or alcohol
This person could be a parent, grandparent, brother, or sister.
How we can help
All young carers are eligible for a young carer's assessment.
This is a way of understanding how we could help you or put you in touch with organisations that can offer the support you need.
For any other queries about young carers' support in Essex, email young.carers@essex.gov.uk
Concerned about a young person?
If you're concerned about someone under 18 who is providing care for someone, use our online referral form.
More information
Essex Youth Services has information and advice for young carers
Action for Children has information and advice for young carers
Carers Trust has information and advice for young carers