School attendance and absence

This guide is for parents of children who live in Essex. Here you'll find information on schools attendance and absence, and who to contact if you have questions

Children living in Essex but attending a school outside of Essex

If you are an Essex resident but your child attends a school in another local authority we are still responsible for providing your child with an education if they are unable to attend school.  

The Education Access Team is responsible for arranging suitable education for pupils who are unable to attend school.  We commission support for the following:
  • pupils who have been permanently excluded from school
  • where a pupils illness is likely to last 15 days or longer, preventing attendance at school
  • where pregnancy prevents attendance at school
  • pupils unable to attend school due to emotionally based school avoidance
  • pupils who are not in school due to other exceptional circumstances

Removing a child from a mainstream school and placing them on an alternative education package is a significant decision. We carefully consider all evidence to make sure the decision is made in the best interests of the child. 

In the first instance, you should ask your school to make a referral to our Education Access Team for support. 

How to contact us

For queries, advice or support about:

Exclusions  - email:

Medical referrals - email:

Reduced provision - email:​

Suspensions - email:

Reduced timetables - email: 


Telephone:  03330 322534

Opening hours:  Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, Friday,  9am to 4.30pm