School discipline and exclusions

Schools will work closely with us to ensure that children and young people who face exclusion or are at risk of exclusion receive alternative education support that meets their individual needs.

What is an exclusion?

Exclusion is a decision made by a headteacher when a pupil's behaviour breaches the school's policy and/or significantly disrupts the safety and wellbeing of other pupils or staff. 

There are two types of exclusion:

  • suspension - sometimes called a fixed term exclusion. This means that the school will ask you to keep your child at home for a set number of school days
  • permanent exclusion means that your child will be removed from the school roll and will no longer be able to attend their school unless they are reinstated by the school's governing board

The school will contact you as soon as possible to explain their decision to exclude or suspend your child. They will explain:

  • the reason(s) for the suspension or permanent exclusion
  • the period of a suspension or, for a permanent exclusion, the fact that it is permanent
  • your right to make representations about the suspension or permanent exclusion to the governing board 
  • your right to make a request to hold the meeting via the use of remote access and how and to whom to make this request 
  • how any representations should be made, and where there is a legal requirement for the governing board to consider reinstatement, that you and your child have a right to attend a meeting

Unofficial exclusions

All exclusions must follow the correct procedure and be recorded as exclusions. A headteacher is not allowed to just send a pupil home, even if parents or carers agree. Contact our Education Access Team if you have any concerns.

What happens to my child’ s education when my child is excluded? 

If your child has been suspended, the school is responsible for ensuring your child is given work to complete. From the 6th school day of the suspension, the school are responsible for providing your child with a full-time education away from the school site.

If your child has been permanently excluded, the school should provide education for the first five school days following the exclusion.  From the 6th school day, Essex County Council are responsible for providing your child with an education.  The Education Access Team will be in touch to discuss this as soon as they have been made aware of the exclusion by the school.

If you are an Essex resident but your child attends a school in another local authority, Essex County Council are still responsible for providing your child with an education if they are permanently excluded. See our page on Children living in Essex but attending school outside of Essex.

Related information

Visit GOV.UK for information and guidance on:

How to contact us

The Education Access Team can help if you have any questions.  You can contact us:

Exclusions  - email:

Suspensions - email:

Telephone:  03330 322534

Opening hours:  Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, Friday,  9am to 4.30pm