Have your say on improving air quality in Essex

Blue sky with a few clouds and leaves swirling

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK. In Essex, more than one in 20 deaths are estimated to be linked in some part to air pollution.

Air pollution reduces life expectancy by causing heart and lung diseases. It is also linked to other health impacts, such as dementia.

The strategy describes how the Essex Air Quality Consortium plans to tackle air pollution and help improve people’s health.

The Essex Air Quality Strategy is also supported by local NHS trusts, Essex Police and the Essex Fire and Rescue Service.

You can let us know what you think about the strategy by completing the survey by Sunday 2 March.

Councillor John Spence, Cabinet Member for Heath, Social Care and Integration at Essex County Council, said: “The air we breathe can have a significant effect on people’s health, particularly children, older people and those with existing health conditions.

“Whether caused by road traffic, construction or even some of the everyday things we use in our own homes, air pollution can impact us all.

“Air pollution crosses boundaries, so it is vital we all work closely together as councils, and alongside other partners, to make best use of our collective resources and have maximum impact.”

Visit www.essexair.org.uk/strategy to find out more about the strategy and complete the online consultation survey.