Lord Lieutenant celebrates winners of numeracy competition

Lord Lieutenant in ceremonial uniform with students from Holy Trinity holding a certificate.

Our Lord Lieutenant ran a contest for young people to show how numbers influence their lives.

It is part of Essex Year of Numbers, our countywide campaign inspiring a love of maths.

Young people created displays and videos about sports, games, art, cooking and more. Submissions came from schools, community groups and individual pupils across Essex.

Winners will receive a certificate and book voucher. To inspire others, they will also have their work featured on our Essex Year of Numbers app.

Holy Trinity School, Halstead, was chosen as the overall winner. The school created a video for each year group to show how numbers link with everyday life. It will now receive a £125 book token.

His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Essex, Jennifer Tolhurst, visited schools to celebrate the winners. She expressed her delight at the creativity and enthusiasm shown by the entrants.

She said: "It is so inspiring to witness the passion with which these young minds have explored the world of numbers.

"Maths skills are essential for success and the Essex Year of Numbers plays a key role in fostering a love of numbers from an early age.”

Mrs Donna Raven from Holy Trinity School said: "The Lord Lieutenant's competition generated a lot of excitement in our school! By encouraging creativity and a passion for numbers, pupils of all ages created an array of inspiring pieces.”

Essex Year of Numbers also supports parents, teachers and caregivers. Find out more on our website.