Our Net Zero report shows, by 2050, the number of Essex homes at risk of flooding could double.
We have put together a map showing the thousands of homes currently at risk of rainfall flooding.
Rainfall flooding is caused when excessive rainfall overwhelms drainage systems.
In Basildon, 1,904 homes face a 3.3% risk of rainfall flooding each year. 1,488 homes in Harlow and 1,558 in Wickford have the same odds.
In Castle Point, 1,157 homes face a 1% annual risk of rainfall flooding. In Colchester, 1,797 have a 0.1% annual risk.
More populated areas show more flood risk. This is because of the larger number of properties factored in.
Climate change is set to further increase the number of homes at risk of rainfall flooding.
This year, East Anglia had its wettest February since records began. England as a whole saw its eighth wettest winter.
Average winter rainfall could increase by 35% before 2070 in high emission scenarios. Rainfall intensity is also expected to increase by 25% in the same time.
Fortunately, you can prepare now with up to £8,000 in defences if your home is prone to flooding.
The Property Flood Resilience Grant is delivered by our partners, Lakeside Flood Solutions.
The grant is available for Essex homeowners who have or may experience flood water entering their homes.
Flood defences can include:
· self-closing air bricks
· reinforced doors
· non-return valves
· pumps
· flood barriers
Homeowners are asked to contribute to the cost if defences go above the £8,000 afforded by the grant.
Plan ahead now and check your eligibility for the Property Flood Resilience Grant.