Building Community Through Culinary Conversations: The Impact of Cooking by Numbers Programme

Group of people working around a table

Budgeting for the weekly food shop can be overwhelming. Then we want to make sure we are making healthy and balanced choices for ourselves and our families. 

The free Cooking by Numbers Programme through Multiply Essex can help. Learners explore the benefits of cooking and planning on a budget to create filling and nutritious meals. 

Irina is one of the dedicated participants in this program. She eagerly embraced the opportunity to learn new ways to stretch her budget while prioritising nutrition for her family. Throughout the course, Irina and her fellow participants engaged in discussions on budgeting techniques, including how to stop smartly in budget supermarkets and make the most of seasonal produce. 

One of the highlights was the practical cooking demonstrations, where they all learned to create low-cost yet delicious and nutritious meals, such as hearty soups packed with seasonal vegetables and optional protein. Irina found these sessions particularly valuable, as they provided her with tangible strategies for incorporating healthy, budget-friendly meals into her family's diet. 

Additionally, Irina and other participants delved into the topic of sugar content in various foods and drinks, gaining insight into healthier alternatives for lunchbox or snack choices for her children. 

This course has had a profoundly positive impact on Irina's life, equipping her with valuable skills, knowledge and a supportive community. By empowering Irina to make healthier choices on a budget and fostering meaningful connections within her community, the program has enriched her life. As Irina looks to the future, she is eager to continue to explore further opportunities for learning and growth. 

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